Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sriram, The most magnonimous child

Everyday after their morning bath both the kids entirely wrapped in towel will come to kitchen and says mommy i feel very cold; so hug me. I lift them both and cuddle them then dress up them. This morning i was a little busy preparing sevai for breakfast and so when they came i simply lift them and put them back in the bed with the towel.

When Arun asked sowmya to give the towel for him, sriram said, appa she will feel very cold. Dont take hers.

Arun said but i need a towel. He replied then i'll give you mine. Arun asked dont you feel cold. He replied with a shrug. its ok appa. i'll manage.

Arun gleamed with pride. Kids mature faster........

PS: It happened when he was 3. I drafted this then, but don't know why i didnt publish it that time itself.