Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sriram, lovely boy. Always calling "appa" and "amma" for something, sometimes even for nothing. atleast a 100 appas and ammas per day. sowmya wasnt like that. when we mentioned this to Krithika she said its vice versa with sowmya. U ppl used to call her atleast 100 times a day not she. Probably true, i feel.
Sowmya and Sriram started eating on their own. Thanks to aditi, seeing her eating on her own, sowmya started eating by herself and then seeing her sister sriram too eating by himself. So we avoided 'kara dhala bikshai', my moms word for eating with the plate in hands, nowadays and started using our dining table. Me, and kids were eating and arun was serving us (not a daily occurrence). we all demanding something or other incessantly. sowmya took pity and asked her appa " are we troubling you" and she really mean it. arun melted hearing her concerned words. She is sensible girl, always has a heart for others. i love her
Sowmya went to school today after 20 days term holiday. Made no fuss. Got ready as if going regularly. Sriram missed her very badly. Usually me and sriram leave by 11.45 to pick her from school. but today he put his chappal and was waiting near the gate from 11 pm onwards. not coming in or removing his chappals. insisting me to put mine and telling me lets go and pick up sowmya from school, of course in his language("ponum. akka varnum").